Spring cleaning is a task that we all dread. However, a recent study found that a clean office can increase productivity by at least five percent. Follow our tips to spring clean your office and to keep your employees healthy this spring.

1.Wipe Down All Surfaces
You might do this to prevent the flu from spreading through your office, but it’s an important first step when you spring into clean. Wipe down any surface you come into contact with, such as door handles, your keyboard, and your workstation’s surface just to name a few.

Clean out your filing cabinet and get rid of old papers (and any other unnecessary items) that have been lying around your workspace. Be sure to shred paperwork containing confidential or sensitive information.

3.Professional Flooring Deep Clean
Deep cleaning is different from regular cleaning because it reaches the deep grime and dirt in your office space. Protect your investment with a consistent and effective carpet cleaning and maintenance program, which will extend the life of your carpet.

Eagle Mat & Floor Products has been providing sales and installation of commercial flooring products to the following market segments for over 35 years: Corporate, Education, Hospitality, Government and the commercial real estate community. It’s easy to contact us, and we’re happy to help. You can always call us at (301) 762-2000 or email us at sales@eaglemat.net for more information.